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Moscow Spring Festival “Women in Art”

February, 8 – March 8, 2013.

Dear   friend,
We have pleasure to send you herewith a concept of an exhibition of women artists under the title “Women in the modern art”. The exhibitions will be held in one of the central exhibition halls in Moscow, in district exhibition halls, in galleries.
Exhibition themes:  
-          Women in contemporary world
-          The Frog Princess, or one more time about unity of shape and content
-          Paper art: genres out of date?
-          New visual environment and children’s art.
If one of the mentioned themes is of interest to you and you feel intended to take part in the exhibition we please contact us via E-mail, describe your individual point of view on the theme and attach photos-illustrations of your personal works which you want to submit to the exposition. This may be one or a series of 3-4 works like pictures (1-2 will be accepted), items of applied art, drawings, installations and others. The video taping of your creative process, slide-show or special subjects of video-art will also be welcomed.
Dedline of sending your photo-pictures is Octobe 15, 2012.
We will send you a confirmation for participation and an invitation to come to Moscow. If you arrive personally you can bring your works with you, otherwise you can send them by post or through your friend or colleague who will come personally. A registration fee for participation is 30 (thirty) euro. If you wish your personal information (pictures of your works) to be published on a separate page of our catalogue you will have to transfere to our address 100 (one hundred) euro. If not, then your name will be included in a general list of participants only.
Since we don`t have sponsors to finance our exhibition we must inform you that you will pay for your travel to Moscow by yourself and for your stay in a hotel also. It is also possible to arrange your stay free at a private flat of a Russian woman-artist provided that she will be positively awarded the same treatment from your side in a similar case in your country in future.
We shall wait your answer:
Maria Esmont