“Creative Wednesdays Club`s” gatherings in the Central House of Artists
February 29- March 25 “Creative Wednesdays Club`s” gatherings in the Central House of Artists .The number of participants is growing from year to year. The IRIDA artists take an active part in the functions.
Nataliya Bogorodskaya, an organizer and a presenter of the Club`s meetings carries a very strict selection of new participants paying special attention to the quality of their works.
Twenty two artists of IRIDA have already shown their pastels at an exhibition. Pastel is becoming more popular among our artists. It is probably due to the fact that the IRIDA members took an active part in a series of international pastel shows in Italy and Spain. This year we are going to make a presentation of our pastel works in Lion, France. Perhaps, a time has come to organize a pastel association in Russia!